1201026023, 3D MARDIV CIVIL AFFAIRS (1 OF 3) 1 - 12 JUN 1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201027013, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #483-512 Sep-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201027023, 3D MARDIV DIVISION UNIT JOURNAL Dec-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201031002, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Apr-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201026024, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Jun-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025048, 3D MARDIV G-3 JOURNAL (2 OF 2) 17 - 31 DEC 1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201033004, 3D MARDIV OP DEWEY CANYON 10 JAN - 18 MAR 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 16, units of the 3d Marine Division relieved elements of the 5th Marine Division and delivered the final attack of the Iwo Jima operation - a drive to Kitano Point. 1201025051, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Jan-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201030045, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP KENTUCKY Mar-1968 DOCUMENT NO. On Mar. 3rd Marine Division. It bore little resemblance to today's' modern warfare. After approximately 90 days after posting, notices will be moved to the TAPS (Archives) pages. 1201030043, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (2 OF 2) Mar-1968 DOCUMENT NO. Frank Clarke, top row second from the right, and his buddies. 1201034016, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP MONTANA MAULER 23 MAR - 3 APR 1969 DOCUMENT NO. Marine Corps Unit Rosters and Unit Photographs 1st Marine Division 2nd Marine Division 3rd Marines Division 4th Marines Division 5th Marine Division 6th Marines Division 1201026021, 3D MARDIV CIVIL AFFAIRS (3 OF 3) 22 - 31 MAY 1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036048, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Oct-1966 DOCUMENT NO. The battalion continued to see major action through Vietnam and was rotated back to the United States in 1969. 3rd 8" Howitzer Btry. 1201036034, 3D MARDIV MAYAGUEZ / KOH TANG OPERTION 28 MAY 1975 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025061, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #271-298 Feb-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036027, 3D MARDIV G2 & G3 JOURNAL Sep-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 3rd Amtrack Bn. 1201030010, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (3 OF 4) Dec-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201028019, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #725-755 May-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201030026, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP OSCEOLA 1 - 20 JAN 1968 DOCUMENT NO. Home > Research Our Records > Military Records Research > Marine Corps Records Marine Corps Records Please note: Although some of these records have been digitized and made available online, there are many records that are only available in paper or microfilm format at NARA locations. 1201028029, 3D MARDIV DIVISION UNIT JOURNAL Jun-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 3d Marine Division operates as a Stand-In Force in the first island chain to secure, seize, or defend key maritime terrain in order to deny and disrupt adversary actions in support of the Fleet, the Joint Force, and partnered and . 1201025006, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY May-1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025031, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #118-147 Sep-1965 DOCUMENT NO. Ringer, Wilfred "Bill" 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division 279; 330 Ringwald, Robert K. G Company, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division 482 Rippel, Kenneth A Company, 327th Glider Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division 383 1945, the Division was back on Guam preparing for the next operation. After twenty days of savage fighting, the Division troops reached the northern coast of the island. 1201025025, 3D MARDIV III MAF INTSUMS #83-112 Aug-1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201035021, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 23 - 26 JUNE 1969 DOCUMENT NO. Vietnam War During the Vietnam War, the unit earned the name "The Walking Dead" for its high casualty rate. 1201060195 1st bn 26th marines command chronology (blt 1/26) 1 - 26 sep 1966 document no. 1201035015, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 7 - 10 JUNE 1969 DOCUMENT NO. About. 1201027003, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Aug-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036032, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP ARLINGTON CANYON 1 - 21 SEP 1969 DOCUMENT NO. Join Our Newsletter. 1201032060, 3D RECON BN SITREPS Feb-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201033028, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 13 - 14 FEB 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201030022, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP SCOTLAND Jan-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201035003, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP CAMERON FALLS 29 - 31 MAY 1969 DOCUMENT NO. Headquarters would soon be built on the hillside on the right side of the photo. The 1st Marine Division SiteRing This site owned by The regiment, sometimes known as "Inchon", falls under the command of the 1st Marine Division and the I Marine Expeditionary Force. 1201032040, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 5 - 7 DEC 1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201028014, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - KHE SANH 30 APR - 13 MAY 1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201033019, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 1 - 4 FEB 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201035007, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 1 - 3 JUNE 1969 DOCUMENT NO. BTW 1/9 was the only grunt battalion in Vietnam that had it's own NVA division atached to it. After the transfer of command in the area to the Army's XIV Corps, the last elements of the Division returned to Guadalcanal Jan. 16, 1944. 1201028005, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP PRAIRIE III 19 - 31 MAR 1967 DOCUMENT NO. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. On May 6, 1965, the 3d Marine Division opened the Marine compound at the Da Nang Air Base in Vietnam. 1201027007, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #452-482 Aug-1966 DOCUMENT NO. . 1201032046, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 17 - 20 DEC 1968 DOCUMENT NO. Men in a U.S. 3rd Marine Division contingent fire howitzers near the Laotian border as a massive offensive is launched by some 5,000 U.S. and South Vietnamese troops. 1201026001, 3D MARDIV CIVIL AFFAIRS (3 OF 3) 20 - 28 FEB 1966 DOCUMENT NO. The 3d Marine Division secured its zone of action Mar. 1201025028, 3D MARDIV FIRE SUPPORT COORDINATION CONTROL JOURNAL Sep-1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032030, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP DAWSON RIVER 28 NOV 1968 - 1 JAN 1969 DOCUMENT NO. There was no record of an activation ceremony since the division was deep in the preparations . 1201027014, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Oct-1966 DOCUMENT NO. From 2004 to 2014, elements of the 3d Marine Division participated in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. 1201029016, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP RUSH 5 - 10 AUG 1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201031009, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP NAPOLEON/SALINE Apr-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036044, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Jun-1966 DOCUMENT NO. Photos, true stories, combat operations. Email. 1201033033, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 27 - 28 FEB 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201027001, 3D MARDIV G-3 JOURNAL Jul-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032004, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Sep-1968 DOCUMENT NO. The troops were staging a drive against the are near the abandoned allied fortress of Khe Sanh. 1201030032, 3D MARDIV DIVISION UNIT JOURNAL Feb-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201026002, 3D MARDIV CIVIL AFFAIRS (1 OF 3) 1 - 10 MAR 1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025046, 3D MARDIV CIVIL AFFAIRS (2 OF 4) 8 - 14 DEC 1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034017, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 26 - 28 MAR 1969 DOCUMENT NO. It was the third unit to be shipped to the new war zone and was comprised of the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 327th Infantry and the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry. 4, the 3d Marine Division was relieved by U.S. Army units. 1201029014, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP KINGFISHER Aug-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201035038, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP WILLIAMS GLADE 12 - 26 JUL 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036072, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Oct-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036055, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY May-1967 DOCUMENT NO. The 3d Marine Division was officially activated Sept. 16, 1942 at Camp Elliott, San Diego, California. 1201032036, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES OPSUMS, UNIT LOCATIONS Dec-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025060, 3D MARDIV G-3 JOURNAL Feb-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034038, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP PURPLE MARTIN 1 - 8 MAY 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034021, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 1 - 3 APR 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025007 3d Marine Division has five major subordinate elements: 3d Marine Littoral Regiment based in Hawaii and 12th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Regiment, 3d Reconnaissance Battalion, and Headquarters Battalion based in Okinawa, Japan. 3rd Amtrack Bn. 1201028017, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP PRAIRIE IV 1 - 31 MAY 1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036080, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Jun-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201027010, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Sep-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201033005, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 12 - 14 JAN 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201026013, 3D MARDIV LESSONS LEARNED - OP DOUBLE EAGLE I & I Jun-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201031041, 3D MARDIV DIVISION UNIT JOURNAL Aug-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025041, 3D MARDIV CIVIL AFFAIRS (1 OF 4) 1 - 7 DEC 1965 DOCUMENT NO. The First Marine Division was one of the first two division-sized unit ever formed by the Corps. 1201035025, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (3 OF 5) Jul-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032031, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Dec-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201027009, 3D MARDIV SITREPS (3 OF 3) 16 - 31 AUG 1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201031030, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP SCOTLAND II Jun-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036012, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP GEORGIA TAR Aug-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025037, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Nov-1965 DOCUMENT NO. It was established in February 1941 aboard the USS Texas in Cuba around the nucleus of the pre-war First Marine Brigade. 1201033008, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 18 - 20 JAN 1969 DOCUMENT NO. Following graduation from The Basic School at Quantico I was designated an Amphibian Vehicle Officer, and assigned to 1 st Marine Division, Vietnam, with Amphibious Vehicle School, Camp Pendleton in route. 1201036024, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 24 - 27 AUG 1969 DOCUMENT NO. the name and rank of the unit's commanding officer, the names and ranks of the unit's staff officers and/or the unit's chief subordinates, including billet assignments, the average personnel strength of the unit during the reporting period, civil affairs/military government/community relations, special types of warfare (nuclear, biological or chemical), activations, deactivations and redesignations of units within the organization, modifications to physical plant and facilities, new programs and changes and/or status of existing programs, command relations with other military organizations within the immediate area. 1201025018, 3D MARDIV G-3 JOURNAL Jul-1965 DOCUMENT NO. TCCOR Information. 1201027030, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (2 OF 2) Feb-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201030009, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (2 OF 4) Dec-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201030012, 3D MARDIV DIVISION UNIT JOURNAL Dec-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 3rd Combined Action Group. 1201036065, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Mar-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036064, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Feb-1968 DOCUMENT NO. Instructions received in Feb. 1944 led to planning for an operation against the Japanese on Emirau Island. Don's Vietnam Pictures; Guest Book; 1 / 3 In Vietnam; Other's Vietnam Pictures; Vietnam Memorial; 2012 Return to Vietnam; War Stories; Memorial Pages for 1/3 Marines; . 3rd Anti-Tank Bn. To add your name to this Roster - Click Sign In Highest Rank: Rank in Nam: Last Name: First Name: MI: Unit (s) MOS: Date In Country: Combat Awards: City: State: E-mail Address. Marines - 1967, a Marine Corps produced documentary utilizing actual combat footage of operations in Vietnam. 1201026027, 3D MARDIV CIVIL AFFAIRS (2 OF 3) 13 - 21 JUN 1966 DOCUMENT NO. The 3rd Battalion, 27th Marines, which deployed on 17 February, was awarded a Meritorious Unit Commendation for action during Operation Allen Brook at Go Noi Island on 17 to 28 February 1968 while attached to the 1st Marine Division (Reinforced). 1201029026, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP CUMBERLAND 27 AUG - 15 SEP 1967 DOCUMENT NO. MISSION. The 2nd Marine Division was officially organized on February 1, 1941 at Camp Elliott, California by change of designation from the 2nd Marine Brigade. 1201029013, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP CUMBERLAND 1 - 27 AUG 1967 DOCUMENT NO. Main St #38. The Division was reactivated on Jan. 7, 1952 at Camp Pendleton, California. 1201029003, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #786-816 Jul-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 3rd Battalion 1st Marines (3/1) is an infantry battalion in the United States Marine Corps based out of Camp Horno on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. 1201025006 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY May-1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201028021, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP CROCKETT 13 MAY - 18 JUN 1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201035022, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 27 - 30 JUNE 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025036, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #148-178 Oct-1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032028, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP NAPOLEON/SALINE Nov-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines (3/4) is an infantry battalion of the United States Marine Corps. 1201032015, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES Oct-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201029037, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP GRANITE 26 OCT - 6 NOV 1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201026005, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #299-329 Mar-1966 DOCUMENT NO. The Division subsequently operated combat bases at Da Nang, Phu Bai, Quang Tri and Dong Ha. 1201030023, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP LANCASTER II 1 - 20 JAN 1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032059, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP DAWSON RIVER Jan-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201035028, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 1 - 4 JULY 1969 DOCUMENT NO. The Division landed at Empress Augusta Bay, Bougainville, Nov. 1, 1943. On Apr. 1201034048, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 22 - 24 MAY 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201030040, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES (1 OF 2) Mar-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034047, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 18 - 21 MAY 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201029019, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (2 OF 3) Sep-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032001, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP LANCASTER II Aug-1968 DOCUMENT NO. Welcome. 1201032035, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 1 - 4 DEC 1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032024, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP SCOTLAND II Nov-1968 DOCUMENT NO. The 27th Marines became the first Marine regiment to fly into a combat zone in Vietnam. 1201027002, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #421-451 Jul-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201027020, 3D MARDIV DIVISION UNIT JOURNAL Nov-1966 DOCUMENT NO. VIETNAM The 3rd Brigade was the first 25th Division element alerted for Vietnam service. 1201033016, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (2 OF 2) Feb-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201030035, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP LANCASTER II Feb-1968 DOCUMENT NO. USA.gov, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration The terrain, ideal for defense, was heavily fortified by pillboxes, caves, and covered artillery emplacements. 1201030017, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP SCOTLAND Dec-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201029011, 3D MARDIV DIVISION UNIT JOURNAL Aug-1967 DOCUMENT NO. The Division departed Vietnam in November 1969 and moved to Camp Courtney, Okinawa, where it is presently located. 1201031004, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (2 OF 3) Apr-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036083, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Sep-1969 DOCUMENT NO. Expert researcher and WWII historian Bill Beigel can conduct a thorough . 1201028024, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP CHOCTAW 22 - 31 MAY 1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025005, 3D MARDIV ADMNPLAN 32-65 II (RVN) 5 FEB 1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201033032, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 22 - 24 FEB 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032006, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP SCOTLAND II Sep-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036016, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #1538-1568 Aug-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 3, severed the last enemy east-west artery of communication by occupying positions overlooking the sea. 1201025053, 3D MARDIV G-3 JOURNAL Jan-1966 DOCUMENT NO. To add your name to this Roster - Click Sign In Highest Rank: Rank in Nam: Last Name: First Name: MI: Unit (s) MOS: Date In Country: Combat Awards: Home Town: St: E-mail Address . 1201025052, 3D MARDIV DAILY HISTORICAL REPORT Jan-1966 DOCUMENT NO. much of a Beating Chit The NVA.were so P**Sed at the 26Th.Regt That they assigned 3 NVA.Regiments to take our the 3Rd Bn.They were . 1201025059, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Feb-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036053, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Mar-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036025, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 28 - 31 AUG 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201031019, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP SCOTLAND II May-1968 DOCUMENT NO. The 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines (3/9) is an infantry battalion of the United States Marine Corps. 1201036013, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP IDAHO CANYON Aug-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032053, 3D MARDIV DMZ INCIDENT MESSAGES 1 - 16 JAN 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201027024, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Jan-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201030014, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP NEOSHO Dec-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201033030, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 15 - 18 FEB 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 3rd Recon Bn. 1201029036, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP OSCEOLA 21 - 31 OCT 1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201029021, 3D MARDIV DIVISION UNIT JOURNAL Sep-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201029025, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #848-877 Sep-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036085. Veterans of Mike and H&S Companies, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, Vietnam War, 1966-1971. 1201027031, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - KHE SANH 1 FEB - 18 APR 1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201029040, 3D MARDIV DIVISION UNIT JOURNAL Nov-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201033006, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 15 - 17 JAN 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036071, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Sep-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201030013, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP LANCASTER Dec-1967 DOCUMENT NO. On Aug. 3 1945, the Division received initial plans for Operation Olympic, which called for an amphibious landing of Kyushu in early Nov. 1945. (E-4), "B" Co., 3rd Shore Party Bn., 4th Marine Reg., 3rd Marine Division (May . 1201031020, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #1092-1122 May-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201027011, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY - OPORDER #377-66 Sep-1966 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036051, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Jan-1967 DOCUMENT NO. The 7th Marine Regiment of the 1st Marine Division saw the first major ground action performed by American troops in Vietnam in 1965. 1201032018, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP NAPOLEON/SALINE Oct-1968 DOCUMENT NO. Guam was declared secure Aug. 10, 1944. If you served in 3rd Marine Division, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. 1201035030, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OPHERKIMER MOUNTAIN 1 - 16 JULY 1969 DOCUMENT NO. Nicknamed the "Lava Dogs", the battalion consists of approximately 800 Marines and sailors and falls under the command of the 3rd Marine Regiment of the 3rd Marine Division . Scott Shimabukuro, 21, L/Cpl. 1201036059, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Sep-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036058, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Aug-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025044, 3D MARDIV G-3 JOURNAL (1 OF 2) 1 - 16 DEC 1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201033003, 3D MARDIV OP DAWSON RIVER SOUTH / OP DEWEY CANYON 10 JAN - 18 MAR 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034028, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 16 - 20 APR 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034032, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (2 OF 2) May-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201029030, 3D MARDIV DIVISION UNIT JOURNAL Oct-1967 DOCUMENT NO. Nicknamed the "Thundering Third", the battalion consists of approximately 1220 Marines and Sailors and falls under the command of the 1st Marine Regiment and the 1st Marine Division. 1201025022, 3D MARDIV LESSONS LEARNED Jul-1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036002, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP GEORGIA TAR 16 - 31 JULY 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 3rd Marines Division. Iwo Jima was declared secure on the same day. 1201036022, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 18 - 19 AUG 1969 DOCUMENT NO. during your duty time there by writing: The Commandant of the Marine Corps Search for: Follow Us. 1201032021, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (2 OF 2) Nov-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032042, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP MARSHALL MOUNTAIN 10 - 31 DEC 1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032016, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP KENTUCKY Oct-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025058, 3D MARDIV CIVIL AFFAIRS (1 OF 3) 1 - 10 FEB 1966 DOCUMENT NO. 3rd Marines,3rd Marines in Vietnam, USMC Vietnam Veterans, Vietnam Vets,USMC Award Certificates,Replacement award certificates Happy Birthday Marines - 10 November 1775 242 Years & Still Kicking Ass We Are Marines - We Follow Orders We Go Where We're Told - and We Win When We Get There USMC Ribbon Chart Vietnam Issued Certificates 1ST BN./ 3RD MARINES "HOME OF THE BRAVE" OPERATIONS and INFORMATION Republic of VIETNAM 1965 thru 1969 1965 (Over-view) Elevated to the presidency after the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963, Lyndon B. Johnson fought a bitter campaign during the summer and fall of 1964 to be 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines ( 1/3) is an infantry battalion in the United States Marine Corps based out of Marine Corps Base Hawaii. Headquarters and Service Company Company I . It was a fight of gladiators. 1201030031, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Feb-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034013, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 16 - 18 MAR 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 3rd Anti-Tank Bn. 5th marine Division Retires-Nov., 1969 : For Many Where the War ends: Vietnam Today from Bob Dalton: 2006 Back to Vietnam with Marshall Schroder: 1201031044, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP KENTUCKY Aug-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036052, 3D MARDIV HQ BN COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Feb-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 1201029005, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP BUFFALO 2 - 14 JUL 1967 DOCUMENT NO. 3rd MP Bn. From 2004 to 2011, elements of the 3d Marine Division participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The 3rd Division moved its headquarters from Da Nang to Phu Bai in late 1966. 1201032032, 3D MARDIV DMZ INCIDENT MESSAGES 1 - 15 DEC 1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201029029, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (3 OF 3) Oct-1967 DOCUMENT NO. Medal of Honor Gurke Henry PFC Nov. 9, 1943 KIA Leims John H. 2nd Lt. March 7, 1945 . Please consider donating any amount you desire to help cover my server costs. 1201034041, 3D MARDIV OPPLAN MESSAGES (6 HOUR SITREPS) - OP MASSACHUSETTS BAY 6 - 31 MAY 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 3d Marine Division operates as a Stand-In Force in the first island chain to secure, seize, or defend key maritime terrain in order to deny and disrupt adversary actions in support of the Fleet, the Joint Force, and partnered and allied forces. 1201034042, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 7 - 10 MAY 1969 DOCUMENT NO. There are 33 soldiers of the 3rd Marine Division Vietnam that have been identified and recovered. 1201025010, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Jun-1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025032, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY Oct-1965 DOCUMENT NO. Web Site URL: Abalos: Lasaro: C: 3rd Marines: 0311: 07/67-03/68: Odessa: Tx labalos@keystoneplantservices.com . 1201027032, 3D MARDIV SITREPS # 636-663 Feb-1967 DOCUMENT NO. 3D MARDIV OPPLAN 37-64 FOR RLT CO 18 AUG 1964 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034029, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 21 - 25 APR 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034024, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #1416-1445 Apr-1969 DOCUMENT NO. If you served in 3rd Bn, 9th Marine Regiment (3/9), Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. 1201030041, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES (2 OF 2) Mar-1968 DOCUMENT NO. 1201033015, 3D MARDIV COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (1 OF 2) Feb-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201032054, 3D MARDIV G2 & G3 JOURNAL Jan-1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201036023, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 20 - 23 AUG 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201025043, 3D MARDIV FIRE SUPPORT COORDINATION CONTROL JOURNAL Dec-1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034046, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 14 - 17 MAY 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201034005, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES 1 - 3 MAR 1969 DOCUMENT NO. 1201035034, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #1507 - 1537 Jul-1969 DOCUMENT NO. An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. 1201025045, 3D MARDIV SITREPS #209-239 Dec-1965 DOCUMENT NO. 1201030050, 3D MARDIV MESSAGES Apr-1968 DOCUMENT NO.
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