Small animal general medicine practitioner and UC Davis graduate. October. Host: Montana Veterinary Medical AssociationFormat: in-personDates: 01/26/2023-01/28/2023Duration: 3 daysWhere: Bozeman, MTWebsite: visit the website for detailsCE: 14 hoursGreat for: veterinary professionals in all roles. Chicago, Illinois. The details of Connexity 2022 havent been released yet, but it will be held in Nashville in mid-September. CE: visit the conference website for detailed information on CE opportunitiesGreat for: veterinary professionals interested in best practices in the treatment of animals in pain. Stay tuned for more details to come soon! Individual Vacation Rental Selection. Duck Key, Florida. June 5th - 9th, 2022 Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort 9300 Emerald Coast Parkway Miramar Beach, FL 32550. March 28-30, 2022 To view the entire program or register, please visit the NAVAS website. New Puppy Checklist (The Only One You Need). Round Rock, Texas. A dedicated KVC Marketplace features products and services that will help you in your practice. I have board certification as a veterinary anatomic pathologist through the American College of . Virginia Veterinary Medical Association Training for nurses/technicians includes ECC and exotics. Make sure to add these events to your calendar. The Emerald Coast Conference 2022 will be June 6-9, 2022, at the beautiful Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort. In addition to the regular track, there will also be one for equine medicine, as well as one thats not yet announced. Host: Washington Veterinary Medical AssociationFormat: in-personDates: 09/22/2023-09/24/2023Duration: 3 daysWhere: Tacoma, WAWebsite: TBACE: 120+ hoursGreat for: Pacific Northwest veterinarians, technicians, practice managers, and veterinary students. Want to find more of our publications that are related to veterinary practice consolidation business questions? The literature demonstrates that there is a strong link between the students' experience and success . Youll earn 15 hours of CE in between skiing, hitting the spa, and relaxing in the pristine environment. December 2022 The topic of this year is Racing to Relicensing! Join the event for the latest in continuing education presented by top veterinary speakers, exhibitors offering products and services for your practice, and a chance to catch up with your veterinary colleagues. Host: American Veterinary Medical AssociationFormat: in-personDates: 01/27/2023-01/29/2023Duration: 3 daysWhere: Chicago, ILWebsite: $375CE: visit the conference website for detailed information on CE opportunitiesGreat for: veterinarians involved in end-of-life decisions and procedures; government officials and others who regulate end-of-life activities; educators and those involved in creating standards or protocols related to humane endings; researchers engaged in investigating end-of-life techniques and technology. Here, researchers and veterinary professionals will discuss ideas and trending topics in the field of animal science. 10. MCVC 2023 | Music City Veterinary Conference Registration is closed-onsite registration will be available Registration Closed Exhibitors & Sponsors | Proceedings Exhibitors / Sponsors / Become an Exhibitor & Sponsor Welcome Our 2023 Exhibitors 2i Nova, Inc. 3 Sided Media AKC Reunite American Regent Animal Health AmeriVet Veterinary Partners Vet Vacation Austin, Texas The details arent available at the time of this writing, but the 2021 conference covered a wide range of topics, including epilepsy in dogs, arrhythmias, joint supplements, fistula repair, and feline infectious disease. Veterinary Conferences 2023/2024/2025 is an indexed listing of upcoming meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, programs, continuing CME courses, trainings, summits, and weekly, annual or monthly symposiums. Freedom Chaser Crab Island Cruise. Host: Idaho Veterinary Medical AssociationFormat: in-personDates: 06/1/2023-06/3/2023Duration: 3 daysWhere: Twin Falls, IDWebsite: TBACE: Large animal, small animal, and practice management sessions offer up to 16 hours of CE; veterinary technician track offer up to 14 hours of CEGreat for: veterinarians, practice managers, veterinary technicians, veterinary staff and students. Some of the topics include diabetes mellitus in rats, orthodontic traction of dogs, and behavior models of mice. The North Carolina Veterinary Conference is held annually, but details for the 2022 event have not yet been announced. This conference is not only for veterinarians and students, but also technicians, suppliers, and practice managers. November 2022 Follow the website for program updates. With education in the early morning and afternoon, attendees have plenty of time to hit the slopes, play in the snow, or just enjoy some free time. Hotel Accommodations. Ocala Equine Conference The details are not worked out yet, so watch for them to become available soon. Chicago, Illinois. Altoona, Iowa. West Indies Veterinary Conference Theres a wide range of topics covered, including canine and feline surgery, poultry medicine, aquatic medicine, epidemiology, food hygiene, and more. 12. Host: Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical AssociationFormat: in-personDates: 08/17/2023-08/20/2023Duration: 4 daysWhere: Hershey, PAWebsite: TBACE: visit the conference website for detailed information on CE opportunitiesGreat for: professional development and networking. October 10-12, 2022. At the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association conference, youll have the chance to accumulate 15 hours of continuing education units. VIEW THE PROGRAM Venue Details Jacob K. Javits Convention Center 655 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001 Opening Times Exhibit Hall Hours: The 2021 event was held in Portland, Maine. Beginning in 1995, the North Carolina Veterinary Conference has been the premier continuing education event for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and practice managers in the Raleigh area. Through a unique mix of CE sessions, AVMA governance meetings, and networking, attendees will expand and enhance their leadership skills while networking with colleagues from all walks of the veterinary profession. It will include hands-on lab, lectures, exhibits and networking opportunities. She is currently in training as a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher with East Coast Mindfulness and is in their teacher certification pathway. Emerald Coast Veterinary Conference We are committed to providing quality veterinary care throughout the life of your pet. June 23-25, 2022 AVMA Convention Atlantic Coast Veterinary Conference. Join us and see why so many attendees return year after year. You may click here to view conference schedule. October 29-31, 2022 The details for this conference have not been released yet, but it will be an opportunity to interact with international veterinarians while enjoying the nature, food, and culture of this South American country. 161-167. The conference will offer tracks on clinical pathology, surgery, neurology, dermatology, ophthalmology, legal topics, as well as tech anesthesia and well-being. Host: dvm360Format: TBADates: 12/1/2023-12/3/2023Duration: 3 daysWhere: Los Angeles, CAWebsite: TBACE: TBAGreat for: veterinary professionals interested in clinical, management, technician and wellness CE. Host: CloserStill Vet UsFormat: in-personDates: 05/18/2023-05/19/2023Duration: 2 daysWhere: Chicago, ILWebsite: (early bird/regular rate): CE: 20 hours. Seven different tracks were available, including those for small animals, equines, animal welfare, livestock, and public practice. The event offers continuing education tracks, including companion animal, equine, large/production animal, as well as sessions for veterinary technicians, students and practice managers. The 2021 convention took place in Raleigh and provided 116 CE units for veterinarians and 136 units for vet technicians. Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Host: VETgirlFormat: in-personDates: 08/10/2023-08/13/2023Duration: 4 daysWhere: Scottsdale, AZWebsite: CE: 20+ hoursGreat for: professional development and networking. October 10-12, 2022. The Alabama Veterinary Medical Association (VLMA) named Dr. Hank Lee of Lee Veterinary Clinic the 2022 Veterinarian of the Year. No representations or warranties of future performance or market trends are intended and any such representations and warranties are expressly disclaimed. The non-medical CE track will feature sessions on clinic finances, communications, team recruitment and retention, remote work and using technology, and design thinking. Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (IVECCS) Conference September 12-14, 2020 - Virtual Event Registration Open Now - Click Here! Practicing veterinarian who graduated from Iowa State University Veterinary School. View recordings of past webinars on a variety of topics. (615) 890-4464. Related Posts. Your 2022 list of Veterinary conferences from January till June of 2022. Apply Now for the 2023 Power of Ten Leadership Academy! Host: American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP)Format: in-personDates: 04/20/2023-04/23/2023Duration: 4 daysWhere: Baltimore, MDWebsite: (early bird/regular rate). Las Vegas, Nevada. ABVP Symposium Veterinary medicine and best business practices never stop changing. Banfield Exhibit Date: May 31 - Jun 3. Host: Tennessee Veterinary Medical AssociationFormat: in-personDates: 02/10/2023-02/12/2023Duration: 3 daysWhere: Murfreesboro, TNWebsite: from $295, free for studentsCE: visit the conference website for detailed information on CE opportunitiesGreat for: veterinarians, technicians, practice managers, and veterinary students. The hypotheticals, estimates and underlying assumptions are not to be viewed as facts and should not be relied upon as an accurate representation of future results. Public health lawyer with training and experience in mediation, arbitration, science, education, and business seeking to solve and resolve family, community, and health issues . Conference Dates: November 6-11, 2022 As always, we invite you to keep in touch with our dynamic organizing committee at and we look forward to seeing you in 2022. Atlantic City Convention Center | 1 Convention Blvd, Atlantic City, NJ.
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