This is a collection of nine animated short films intended to further flesh out the concepts, history, characters, and setting of the series. The story incorporates references to numerous norms particularly philosophical, religious, and spiritual ideas, among others the dilemma of choice vs. control, the brain in a vat thought experiment, messianism, and the concepts of inter-dependency and love. The majority of them were stolen from up north. She stated that her story was stolen from a book written by her inthe 70s named The Third Eye. John Connor is JC, the Jesus Christ, who grows up to be Neo. It wasthrough her association with the Jacksons and entertainer JanetJackson that she became involved in a special project that enabledher to write her first television scripts entitled My Special Loveand Blue Short. Social. She is an accomplished award-winningpoet who has published over one hundred poems. Adam Possamai, a sociologist of religion, describes these types of religions/spiritualities as hyper-real religions due to their eclectic mix of religion/spirituality with elements of popular culture and their connection to the fluid social structures of late capitalism. Matrix is a Latin word for a woman's womb. He gets a little short stick and he shots and he hits me in the forehead and it opens my third eye. In addition, she declares on Linkedin that she is the owner of "All Eyes on Me, Inc." Sophia launched a $1 billion lawsuit against the "Matrix" and "Terminator" movie's . Sophia. The environment inside the Matrix is practically indistinguishable from reality (although scenes set within the Matrix are presented on-screen with a green tint to the footage, and a general bias towards the color green), and the vast majority of humans connected to it are unaware of its true nature. #prosecutethemnow #matrixterminatorcopyrights #thematrix4 #TerminatorDarkFate #Mulvaney He wanted me to be the screenwriter for his book. Mules are unable to reproduce due to the odd number of chromosomes. All Eyes On Me, Inc. Jan 2003 - Present20 years 1 month. The Terminator is the Oracle's prophecy that a baby is gonna be born, that is going to destroy them in the future when they enslave men, which is a real true to life story that is going on now. As the sole legal owner, she is free to negotiate the development, production, distribution, publishing, licensing, and sales and marketing of any and all intellectual property related to the Matrix and Terminator franchises, including all derivative products and services. Real life story of a writer's struggle with Hollywood. There was no response. A California court has allowed a lawsuit filed by African-American writer Sophia Stewart against Warner Bros. to proceed. The universal language is mathematics not words. [31] Its five-day opening at $204 million broke the previous record,[29] but ultimately the film made $427 million, a little less than the original. Men is masculine, female is energy of creativity, we are the ones that have the babies, we think of survival and love and progression. Youll be able to speak to the people but at your own risk because you could activate your rings, which are triggered by your emotions. Sophia describes the future based on her book Matrix 4. Most recently, Stewart was the recipient of the 2006 NAACP Rosa Parks Award for her contribution to the film industry. I met Muhammad through one of his body guards. Sophia Stewart (born in b/w 1967-1962, age: 55-60 years) is an author, writer, and famous American Personality. [80], The Ultimate Matrix Collection was later also released on HD DVD (5 discs) and Blu-ray (6 discs) in 2007 and 2008, respectively. [97][98], An interactive technology demonstration, titled The Matrix Awakens, was released on December 9, 2021. Everyone will see you walking around in the mall with these white holographic laser rings around you and they will know that you are in prison. I know my work Matrix and Terminator is what helped Obama get elected because Neo character was based on my friend and a man who I was engaged to marry in 1980 Muhammad Ali. Her background is diverse andmany of her writings reflect groundbreaking literature that isundeniable before its time. Case No. That is why you see Spanish people, Mexicans, it is a conquistador blood, it is Spaniard blood. What we were trying to achieve with the story overall was a shift, the same kind of shift that happens for Neo, that Neo goes from being in this sort of cocooned and programmed world, to having to participate in the construction of meaning to his life. Sophia Stewart. Rebels know about the prophecy so they come and save Neo once he reaches the age of 30. These were typically written, commissioned, or approved by the Wachowskis. One could argue division and subtraction are an integral part of mathematics, which Sophia said is the basis of Creation. 130 ratings27 reviews. But it does not look like she is a billionaire as she usually requests to provide her funds through the GoFundme page for her ongoing lawsuit of RICO Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Civil Rights and Declaratory Judgement complaint. Sophia Stewart. Stewart claims that her manuscript, which at only nine chapters was never finished, formed the basis of not one but two of the most popular sci-fi franchises of the 20 th century. As in the film, the Matrix of that series (introduced in the 1976 serial The Deadly Assassin) is a massive computer system which one enters using a device connecting to the head, allowing users to see representations of the real world and change its laws of physics; but if killed there, they will die in reality. Matrix is a Latin word for a woman's womb. If you don't know math you will never be a creator. They were stolen from all the other countries and land mass. 2323 12 13 pm Harrison Ford Wikipedia Page 26 of 46 from ENGLISH 101 at Northville High School, Northville . The wireless hovercraft ships I created, helped them to solve the Roswell alien technology on ships from the 50s. En su pgina web, la escritora Sophia Stewart asegura que en 1986 vio un anuncio en una revista, el cual informaba que las hermanas Wachowski buscaban ideas para convertirlas en cmics. [48][49] The court allowed the lawsuit to move forward in 2005,[50] but Stewart did not attend the hearing. "So the first movie is sort of typical in its approach. It is a 7000 year old word that came from a king James bible. The Billion-Dollar Myth. All of this is said to be in The Third Eye book. Blog Posts. To ask other readers questions about The Mother of The Matrix-The Sophia Stewart Story , please sign up . ET Arena has no means to verify and validate the scanned court documents on her website. She, also, served as an intern for television at thePublic Broadcasting Station WNET Thirteen, where she workedwith Oscar Award winning film documentary producer, PerryMiller Adato. Those documents are far more than what anyone else on this website have provided as evidence of their claims. You are not suppose to go occupying other peoples bodies, there are no races. Subtraction and division come from them, it is killing, lying and stealing. Sophia describes her work The Third Eye, where the eye is My visitor was governor Schwarzenegger. If you don't know math you will never be a creator. Aliens in Zacharia Sitchin book are black. John Connor is JC, the Jesus Christ, who grows up to be Neo. Military is deprogramming you and installing their own program, so you can be robotic or a zombie. Military is deprogramming you and installing their own program, so you can be robotic or a zombie. the most powerful, the all seeing eye of god or Horus. Everything is always balanced out, god does not need any help from men. Terminator travels to the past, attempting to prevent Neo's birth. On June 2, 2007 she was nominated for the international award called: Lifting Up the World with a Oneness Heart.; An award offered to people who have made exceptional contributions to the human family. At three years old I am fully conscious. Contact us:, Who is Sophia Stewart? The movie Terminator is a prequel to the Matrix. Read the THIRD EYE along with additional information such as Court documents, letters of access, registered return receipts, FBI investigations and Stewart's future projects. The films focus on the plight of Neo (Keanu Reeves), Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), and Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) trying to free humanity from the system while pursued by its guardians, such as Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving, Abdul-Mateen II, and Jonathan Groff). They did not know where they are going, there is no concept there, there is a bunch of shooting bang bang killing. She states herself as the mother of Matrix. That is why they do not use vets, they are not good, they are useless mercenariness, a lot of them were Manchurian candidates, trained assassins. There are a lot of things here on Earth that are one dimensional beings, like clones. The rings will be activated according to your behavior. the most powerful, the all seeing eye of god or Horus. If you commit a crime a drone will come, sedate and take you to Homeland Security. The Terminator and the Matrix films are among the most artistically phenomenal and financially profitable film franchises in Hollywoods history. In the future when you commit a felony you will get a microchip in the brain to be tracked and recorded wherever you go. Sophia Stewart. The Terminator is the Oracle's prophecy that a baby is gonna be born, that is going to destroy them in the future when they enslave men, which is a real true to life story that is going on now, Sarah Connor is Neo's mother. The MMORPG The Matrix Online continued the story beyond The Matrix Revolutions,[94] while The Matrix: Path of Neo allowed players to control Neo in scenes from the film trilogy. [110] The "Matrix digital rain" also inspired the creation of many unofficial screensavers.[111]. [101][105][106][107], The Matrix official website provided a free screensaver for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, which simulates the falling "Matrix digital rain" of the films. Mind, body and soul. in the same way that people get upset with deconstructionist philosophy. [68][69][70] The Wachowskis stated Dark City had no influence on the franchise, but commented about it and The Truman Show that they thought it was "very strange that Australia came to have three films associated with it that were all about the nature of reality. 18.701 Course Notes Wanlin Li Fall 2018 1 September 1.1 September 5 General Linear Group GL n: invertible n n matrices under matrix multiplica-tion Matrix acts as linear map on vector space To prove associativity of matrix multiplication, treat matrix as map between vector spaces Elements can have infinite order Theorem. The screenplay for the fourth film was written by David Mitchell and Aleksandar Hemon, was directed by Lana Wachowski, and was produced by Grant Hill, James McTeigue, and Lana Wachowski. Film portal "Her lawsuit took 30 years but she won . And you will be your own judge, jury, and executioner. An empty, dark grey cell indicates the character was not in the film, or that the character's official presence has not yet been confirmed. Males they want war, they wanna kill destroy and conquer. Genesis is an anagram for is genes. Homeland Security was especially ecstatic about my new penal system, which states that you dont have to be behind bars to be in prison. "Writer of the Terminator and Matrix movies Child prodigy, prolific writer, poet and creative genius are just a few of the terms . Morpheus is John the baptist. Christ comes back. December 24, 2019 . Her background is diverse andmany of her writings reflect groundbreaking literature that isundeniable before its time. called the legal department of Warner Brothers and they offered me five to seven million dollars for a copyright. who owns 5% of the Terminator. All the martial arts, boxing, computers and technology came from Kemet. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Historic Jamaica, by Frank Cundall This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost an He completed his graduation from Punjab University. Sophia Stewart Age & Early Life. Did Eve give birth to one or both of her children via a womb, womb of a clone? )" a Sept. 29 Instagram post said. "Sophia Stewart wrote books in the 70s that were stolen from her by Warner Bros. (Terminator 1-4 & The Matrix 1 & 2! Despite Stewart claiming that she wasn't going to quit. Is Gisele Fetterman Tiktok Banned? And you will be your own judge, jury, and executioner. I saw the ship Nebuchadnezzar in my dream, In Matrix 4 Neo and Trinity does not die. Mother of the Matrix as she is affectionately known, wrote her epic The Third Eye while she was studying cinema at the University of Southern California. Trinity is an angel. Sophia Stewart's epic story that was (purportedly) stolen and used to create two of Hollywood's biggest franchises, THE MATRIX and THE TERMINATOR. His father is the Serpent. 50 Cent, called me he wanted to be one of the executive producers. It is also unclear what the arrival of Prince Charles has to do with any of it. [12], Following the release of Resurrections, producer James McTeigue said that there were no plans for further Matrix films, though he believed that the film's open ending meant that could change in the future.
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