You may also idealize each others worst qualities, which could be detrimental. JavaScript is disabled. There may be a secretive quality to your relationship. One minute they will seem incredibly happy together, and the next it is as if the relationship is the worst thing that has ever been thrust upon them. W wan Well-known member Mar 31, 2018 #2 This is a highly favorable placement for any kind of relationships where there is giving and receiving involved. Once they work through any communication issues early on in the relationship, they tend to be able to navigate any issue using their logic. Ive worked with many people who came to me very worried about Aquarius placements in their composite chart. For relationship astrology and synastry readings go here. Composite Ascendant in Pisces couples are that couple that seemsmeant to be. This is a very forceful and driven relationship, which is great. Sun conjunct Descendant Those native with Natal Sun Conjunct Descendant attract partners that wants to shine and become the center of their life. These two are powerful triggers for each other. So here is the perfect place to mention that you can see how its possible there could be a conflict between the relationships needs and the needs of one or both of the individuals. Or how it takes you both to assemble the presents in time for Christmas morning? This aspect represents a powerful connection that can be difficult to break. There may be some dramatic arguments with some passionate making up if the essence of courage remains. We may also have a passion for nurturing and taking care of our Earths natural resources. Layla had been experimenting with an online astrology program to get insights into her romantic relationship. I am a big fan of the Sun (and the Moon), and am often saddened to see that they are no longer considered sexy in the astrological lexicon. You may need to see a relationship counselor. Synastry:SunPlutoAspects Theyre attracted to each others brains. They may have a tendency to inflate the importance of their relationship, and may make others feel insecure about their own in the process, although they may not intend to do this. By fostering creativity, love, and joy, and continuing to be playful with each other, this couple can be more secure and therefore less possessive of one another. They may have a bit of a superiority complex, thinking that their relationship is better than others, but really this relationship may bring out their wounds and insecurities. Usually, this placement goes one of two ways. The lessons in a Sun conjunct Vertex connection are about self-identification, self-value, and self-esteem. Additionally, if these two people are able to emotionally support each other and open up to each other through the chaos that is life, their relationship will strengthen. The Suns second function is as creator, and as the consolidating force in life. Sun/Jupiter will be lucky with teachers or spiritual guides; Sun/Pluto may draw from both sides of the legal divide to learn its lessons; Sun/Neptune may draw the artistic or the helpless, or even those who spend time on or in the water. You make a very strong impression on others without even trying. Juno - Moon: This aspect shows many leves of emotions between partners. These aren't all of the possible combinations but a lot of the aspects that came to mind which seemed significant to me. The Sun is the engine of the chart, moving it forward, creating, with the Moon, the experiences we need for our own evolution. The conjunction must be close. Ascendant person admires the way Sun carries themselves: from their looks to mannerisms. Vertex contacts usually bring forth the kinds of experiences that may be intense and life-changing, but often short-lived. Banter, changing plans, surprises, waiting to see, conversations that create more questions, ALL THE STIMULI, and communicating well feed the composite Gemini Sun. This coupleneeds to be creative together it is the only way their relationship will truly flourish. There are probably plants and animals all over the place and these being some favorite conversation topics of these two. This aspect represents a powerful connection that can be difficult to break. 17 people love it! Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite When two planets connect, there is a powerful exchange of energies. They must negotiate in order to maintain balance. View celebrities with the Sun conjunct the Descendant. Sun opposite Ascendant natal is also called Sun conjunct Descendant and Sun Setting. The trick here is to not nitpick each other to death as criticism and relationship vitality are not the greatest of friends. Hugs, dancing, walks around the property, sex. If they are able to trust one another enough to make the other their home they will likely serve as healing refuge for weary friends in need as well as any stray animals around. Its about being on each others side. They may fall into a routine, and even though both of them crave experiences beyond mundane life, they may over-value the consistency in their relationship and never actually make those changes. They may leave others out, brag about their own relationship, and can often talk over people or make inside jokes around others. She just needs improvement however small while she is inspired by the vision or ideal she holds in her mind. A Sun Conjunct Jupiter transit is a time that opens the door to success. Then I would say Pluto (or any other planet) has a great effect on the situation. Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Thinking theyve figured it all out, doing the same shit every day, and having no mystery will starve the bond of its vitality. These synastry [], In a romantic relationship, Venus in the 5th house synastry is one of the best aspects to find in a synastry overlay. ago The trick is to avoid pointing the arrows at each other at least too often. Thats what its all about. The parent/child dynamic in this couple means that one of them takes on the role of caregiver, while the other takes on the role of child. Lovely little walks around resort, playgrounds for kids open, BBQ's in use. They have passive rather than reactive responses to each other, and may not address something unless it is of the utmost importance. They might whisper jokes in each others ear and laugh and laugh. Composite Ascendant Cancer couples are reactive, but unlike Composite Ascendant Aries couples, their reactions are not angry, but are rather emotional. But, this could also end up with things being all for show and no substance to the relationship. Moon conjunct the Ascendant very often indicates deep rooted love affairs as well as an intense parental relationship with offspring or siblings. By personal parts of the chart, I mean the angles (Ascendant, IC, Descendant and MC), the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus. Religion or philosophy should play a big role in their lives and they may find themselves talking about these topics often. Working in partnership gives you the confidence to express your own identity fully. An Aries may knock you down as you both call for a cab, then give it to you once hes realized his mistake. My Progressed Sun is conjunct my Prog. This is a composite chart. Outside pool open with good system, 2 hours per day by pool, never had an issue in the whole week getting sun-beds by the pool. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel: The position of the Sun within our natal, speaks of what our life energy will be like and in which area we will have the opportunity to express ourselves in the best light. Conflicts can come from the work environment and/or health issues. There may be a tendency to want to stay in rather than socialize, and its the indicator of a couple whose individuals find a great deal of comfort with, and in, one another. Or, if the Composite Ascendant Aries couple are in a good place, this could come off as being very public about it. They may also be suspicious of each other, and the world, and may become intensely possessive and jealous as their intimacy increases. There will also be opportunities for win-win situations and you should get valuable assistance and advice. It simply means that there will be at least ONE thing about the relationship that is and NEEDS to be unconventional as far as what the normie world thinks a relationship needs to be and look like. I like to think that the Sun has a dual function in the chart, and one of them is to portray the essence of the human being. the husband's Vertex conjunct . For example, it's said that Sun conjunct Vertex in synastry (studying two charts, as in a relationship) means an instant, love-at-first-sight attraction. Challenges come because life may not always be as stimulating as these relationships require, and the hard work that comes with grounding ideals in the real world may be tedious enough to weaken the partnership. Synastry:Mercury-VenusAspects If the aspects are stressful, then the solutions and patterns they come up . Their instinctive responses to each other come from their emotional bodies, and they may seem very attached and secluded from the world. The focus of the Eleventh House is on how things should be rather than what is, and they may run into problems when the reality of their lifestyle does not match their dreams and/or ambitions. The composite Sun in Taurus prefers non-verbal expressions. The composite Sun in the Tenth House is another one of those easy placements for composite Sun, because the Sun is very happy up there and prominent in its noon position. We may be together for the express purpose of sharing our talents with one another and with the world. They also may be the crusaders on the block, the ones passing out the Amnesty International leaflets and asking you to sign petitions. When these two planets align in a trine, it can create a unique blend of creativity and practicality. Composite Sun conjunct the Ascendant from the 12th House: This relationship might bring a lot of hidden pain up to the surface, thus making it seem like the other person is just "pushing your buttons" when really it is past hurt coming to be confronted. We are both eternal and evolving through the experience of our material reality. Pluto conjunct Sun synastry indicates a powerful and transformative relationship. I tend to think that there is nothing malefic about the Sun. Challenges come from the outside worldcareer issues, other people invading the sacred spaceor from the need of each partner to individuate. However, at its best, this relationship forces you to take on challenges and face yourself. There is an insecurity that comes with this restlessness, as neither person may ever feel completely secure in the other persons desire to truly be with them. If either person is immature or defensive, there can be frequent arguments about who is right. There is a tendency for score-keeping in this relationship, especially due to the balanced and equal nature of libra. This couple may have blinders on, and even gloss over the bad things in the relationship to keep it working. Like Composite Ascendant in Gemini couples, these two may appear more as friends/acquaintances than in a romantic relationship. This couple cannot forget the service needs of Virgo as well. From the above cosmitec astrology article: *The Composite Sun represents the life force of the couple, the unity of both people, so any aspect to the Sun is crucial. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. The relationship is their temple and must be treated as sacred. They may not want to admit when something isnt working, which may lead them to forcing issues to work instead of getting to the root of the problem. Now, I got myself with my husband. The evolving I, the one that evokes and embraces change, is represented by the progressed Ascendant as it moves through time. Synastry:Venus-NeptuneAspects She pulled up a composite chart but was petrified to see that she and her boyfriend had their composite Saturn in the Seventh House. This may lead to not living in reality, or thinking that everything is going to be okay without taking active steps to make sure it is. This couple should try to keep things fiery and interesting between them to stop wandering eyes. Its entirely possible for these two to be deeply, honestly in love and yet the needs of the relationship simply end up frying their nervous systems. This would be the kind of couple that would travel the country in a van, exploring freely and working from home. For example, if your Sun is located at 10 degrees Virgo and your partner's Sun is located at 28 degrees Aquarius, your composite Sun would be 4 degrees Sagittarius. Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts But either way, this is a very significant relationship in the lives of both involved and will have a big impact on them. One of the downfalls of Composite Ascendant Aries couples is that they can come across as being a bit selfish towards this relationship. The composite chart has a vertex as well. Either the couple is very out there and passionate about connecting with others in some way (usually very warm and charming together) and/or they spend their time trying to figure out who they are by finding out who they are not (defining themselves against those who surround them). On the whole, the Sun here is practical, and wants to accomplish something concrete with the relationship. The rose colored glasses in the Composite Ascendant in Pisces couple. Caring too much about what others think, trying to fit in, and being too traditional will have the vitality of the bond falling flat. You personify the heat and light and burst of life-giving energy at every sunrise. You could have the most incompatible synastry connection with someone, but if you have a great composite chart, somehow things seem to keep you together. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects See our Quick Compatibility Tool for astrological compatibility based on two birthdates and years. You are drawn to each other like magnets. They may pursue creative fields together, or the emphasis may be on procreationmany couples whose main focus is raising children have the Sun in composite fifth. It appears to the public that they are always up and down, there is nothing constant or solid about them. The challenge comes from needing to integrate the inner and the outer worlds of the relationship. . Sun is Pisces, prog. They appear emotionally detached from one another. It represents that eternally creative life force which is our core Self, in its truest expression. One couple I knew that had Composite Ascendant in Virgo appeared to only be together because they were good friends, and because one of them was helping the other with school-work. The BOND remains golden though because they take care of the relationships composite SUN. With the Sun, the stimulation that occurs with hard aspects can be very creative and cause us to seek out new ways of interacting and solving problems. They must learn to be more trusting and more accepting of each others individuality if they want the relationship to work. They should take care that they dont put each other on a pedestal tooooooo too high. There are many positive qualities in this relationship as well. Although, at its worst it could lead to power struggles, or one person taking more control in the relationship. Challenges may come when they cant get a handle on just what it is they have to contribute to their world, and they may have difficulties making themselves understood well enough to fit in with others. Composite Uranus. This is an excellent indicator of a very . However, there may be a possessiveness in the relationship that neither person can describe, but both play into it to an extent. We know about Mars and Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. If one of them begins to pull away emotionally, even for a family event or personal issue, the other is left feeling incredibly insecure which may lead to problems within the relationship. Weve distorted the meaning of the word essential in popular language to mean something that is absolutely necessary. There is a dreamy aura about you. They are very go-with-the-flow and adaptable in their relationship, and they may come off as the couple who is up for anything.. It is very powerful. Descendant/Vertex. Kindness and good humor dominate the energies of this relationship. Really though, its all set up for comfort. This is an issue that is faced on a daily basis as the couple tries to interact with the outside world. Perhaps they are wildly committed and monogamous but live in separate homes. Having a partner, whether a best friend, a romantic partner or a business partner, helps you develop your personality. Sun opposite Ascendant transit or Sun conjunct Descendant transit makes partnerships the major focus of your attention. They must never allow fear control them. There is a natural trust that flows between these people, which gives them the capability of exploring the world as individuals. Composite Sun in the Fourth House is one of the easier placements for traditional relationships, not so much for same sex couples or other relationships outside the mainstream. This aspect could be as promising as the happy ever after we find in fairy tales. The Suns light will go a long way towards working out the kinks in the relationship shadow, allowing them to become progressively closer and stronger over time. The Descendant sits on the cusp of the 7th house opposite the Ascendant and represents partnerships (both in business and marriage) and what we look for in other people, most . Im not just talking about if your brother, children, or best friend will remember you when youre gone. One is tall, one is short or one is more artsy and the other is more logical. you are warm, tender, and sympathetic towards one another, ultimately giving each other the benefit of the doubt. Virgo doesnt need perfection. With Neptune ruling the ascendant, these couples are dynamic, adaptive, and mystical in the way they interact with each other. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Aquarius energy loves to experiment! But, still, the relationship still brings this out in each other. Its the essence, the lifeblood, but what does it represent? One example of a Composite Ascendant Taurus couple in TV and Media is Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd from Greys Anatomy. We may be a natural team that has something definite to do together. When a planet is conjunct the sun it has little influence until the planet is 'cazimi' or within the sun disc by longitude (about 20 arc minutes). If these two choose to commit, there will be mountains to climb together and they can achieve much even if only in their psyches. The Ascendant/Descendant is the relationship axis, it is a work in progress, it describes our journey through life and how we adjust ourselves when we are confronted by people and new experiences. Synastry:Venus-NorthSouthNodeAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Relational Astrology Composite chart: SUN conjunct DESCENDANT HumanH Mar 31, 2018 H HumanH Active member Mar 31, 2018 #1 Sun in Libra.. Synastry:Mercury-SaturnAspects Challenges can come through conflicts regarding creative pursuits or organizations, groups, and peers. Sun conjunct Moon = Divine union, new beginnings . They may have to give up their small plans to take on a bigger role. The might like roller coasters, or the thrill and excitement that comes with not knowing how or when they will reach that gorgeous horizononly that they are heading that way. The Composite is a mid-point method between the charts of two people, It is the final product of the Synastry.It shows the relationship in practice and the daily reality of the couple.Reading a Composite chart is the same as a birthchart except that it's about two people instead of one. A [], Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and practicality, while Neptune is associated with imagination, intuition, and spiritual awareness. Not wanting to admit that something is wrong does not mean that everything is right. Those places, unpleasant though they may seem to us in our freedom above all culture, represent places where we must retreat in order to become whole again, in order to heal. Some examples in TV and media of Composite Ascendant Aries relationships are. The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships. They may feel as though they are in another world together and are the only ones who exist. Synastry:SaturnNorthNodeAspects With the Composite Ascendant Aries couple, people may see them as being a very passionate but very rocky couple. As opposed to the Ninth House Sun couple, who are more interested in structured study of more established spiritual systems, the Eleventh House couple may be involved in diverse New Age explorations and alternative lifestyles. Additionally, this pride can keep them from addressing the issues that they do struggle with. In many ways, there is a feeling of being meant to be together. Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Maybe they invent something amazing and live on the road selling their creation. True love comes from true knowledge of one another so no self-delusions are allowed in a vital, bonded composite Pisces Sun relationship. Any tendency to fight dirty or be scheming, rude, inconsiderate, or crass will hurt their connection. Synastry:MoonAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects Challenges also come from trying to maintain an individuality whilst engaging fully in the deepest intimacy. You can feel that you're capable of more together and in the relationship than you are on your own. ASC DESC MC IC D issolving the boundaries between me and you. Captivated by each minor aspect to each minor point in the chart, we often dont spend as much time as we should interpreting the lights and their function in the chart. It may feel like this is some sort of karmic or soulmate related relationship, as it feels like youve been brought together to create a relationship greater than yourselves. On the other hand, couples with this configuration often have an emphasis on work and servicethe challenge then is in finding the right type of vehicle for their actions. Not spending time one on one is a killer for this relationship. It takes courage to admit when we are wrong. The Composite Ascendant in Scorpio relationship forces both people to transform in a multitude of ways, and to adapt better to their surroundings and their reactions to the world. They may be so busy with common causes that they ignore individual needs, and may not be realistic about what they really have to contribute as a couple. Couples with the composite Sun in the Eighth House will experience profound inner transformation together, either through intimacy or through experiences which will challenge the very existence of the partnership. In truth, the meaning is the oppositeif something is essential or of the essence it is something that can never be taken away or distorted. Note: The Sun conjunct the Descendant means the Sun is also opposition the Ascendant. And that something in the Twelfth House is our alignment with our true fate or destiny: that thing that we were born to do. The bond is fed by adventure, open roads, telling the truth, feeding their senses, planning ahead, and understanding the tenets of the relatiosnhip. Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The relationship itself has a chart; it is called the composite and is the chart of the midpoints between the planets and angles of the two individuals' charts. I was researching this aspect because of my children.they were literally born with a companion, theyre twins! They are the couple you are always hoping will show up, and when they do grace you with their presence, you will feel incrediblyimportant to know them. As these two signs make a sextile aspect Read more, I, as an astrologer, mainly use the sidereal zodiac, the lesser used zodiac of western astrologers. When a Composite Ascendant Taurus couple enters the room, goes out to dinner with a friend, or even has people over, there is the assumption that they will be picking up the bill. Moonlit walk, candles, even a meditation or yoga class would feed this need of sacred solitude. Other synastry and relationship astrology articles: Vertex Conjunct Anti-Vertex/Vertex Conjunct Vertex. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. * Juno same sign/house as sun * Juno Conjunct/trine Saturn * Sun conjunct/opposite venus . The Sixth House can be a crisis house, and those couples with composite Sun in the Sixth may be prone to experiencing one challenge after another in their lives. Paying attention to the theme of the Composite Sun's house placement is especially important. However, they are incredibly logical and rational together. This is a couple that may have a lot of PDA in public. The vitality comes from treating each other with dignity and honor and conducting themselves with the highest of character. Your powerful need for companionship means you probably wont stay single for long. This can lead to rather moody reactions between the two people, and often a sulky environment that leads to more issues in the future. Synastry:MoonUranusAspects The composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is a combination brimming with energy. With the Composite Sun in the 1st house, the relationship can be very important to both of you. They feel each others pain in all things, and go through losses together. Sun conjunct Ascendant (Sun opposite Descendant) represents a dynamic start. Composite Ascendant Taurus couples think of things in the long term, and they are never rash with their decisions. The Vertex is often described as a 'spiritual ascendant.'. However, they are not flashy or glamorous, and would rather spend their money in practical ways than on extravagant things. As we gloss over the lights and jump to the Vertex and/or aspects to Chiron, we are missing, in fact, the essence of the chart. Sun Opposite Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite. They just find their way there somehow. The other person in your life could be a marriage partner or an open enemy. The sun personifies the center of the personality and characterizes the potential given from birth. They both feel very responsible for the others emotions one may take on the role of parent while the other takes on the role of child. The parental figure in this relationship will feel overly responsible for the other persons emotions, and this is quite the burden to bear in a relationship. Composite Ascendant in Scorpio couples wear their pain on the outside. The Sun brings things together in our lives, triggers them off, much the way it works on transits and progressions. Any creative thing that they can do together will feed their relationship. If the aspects are harmonious (conjunction, sextile, or trine), these abilities will tend to be easily accepted both by the person themselves and those around them. Drama and bs deplete it. In the composite chart, the chart of the relationship as its own being, the Sun represents the vital essence of the relationship. You can use your relationships to promote yourself and your goals. A fireplace warming the body and soul, whaaaaat??? They might enjoy decorating their home with art and adding more windows for natural light. The bond needs calm. By house and sign, it will show the essential purpose of a relationship and what it is meant to illustrate to the two beings involved in it. With the composite Sun in Sagittarius, this couple is on a journey. Now, Im the first one to admit that the Sun is not an easy thing to define within the dynamics of the chart. In synastry, I never worry about hard aspects between the individual Suns. Posted on June 9, 2022 Author Comments Off on moon conjunct lilith composite.Moon conjunct Chiron is a very interesting placement in a synastry chart. Celebrities with the Sun as a Rising Planet: Lucy Lawless, Alyssa Milano. Children, also, may be problematicthe demands of raising children getting in the way of the kind of deep psychological transformation this position requires. Amazing fun! But the shadow side of the relationship is that secretly, one or both people may want to change or control the other. They seem like a natural pair and a good fit for one another. Valentine Valentine is one of the best forms of love.
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